Official Endorsements

“John Adams has been for me and for our 80,000 subscribers, a constant source of inspiration through the years, by encouraging ordinary people to make an impact through his personal example of extraordinary courage in the face of tyranny.”

Dunagun Kaiser - Founder, Liberty and Finance

“John Adams has been an inspirational voice in the silver and sound money movement. He’s devoted countless hours of his time not only to studying the history of money, and educating others about it, but also in standing up to some of the establishment forces that have made life so difficult for so many. The cause of sound money is fortunate to have John on our side!”

Chris Marcus- Founder, Arcadia Economics (USA)

“John Adams is a leading Australian precious metals analyst who dedicates his time to uncover fraud in the precious metals industry. In particular he has relentlessly exposed deceptive practices employed at some well-known international bullion dealers. In the time I have known him, I have found that John conducts himself with the highest integrity in his mission to help maintain physical gold and silver as the only honest form of

Dave Kranzler- Founder, Mining Stock Journal (USA

“I have followed John Adams and his fight for freedom in Australia for the last few years. John and I believe in sound money and have been trying to expose the fraudulent nature of the current fiat currency.

This is why I am 100% behind his new silver coin commemorating the defeat of the establishment trying to curtail the freedom of Australians by trying to limit cash transactions to $AUD 10,000.”

Mario Innecco - The Home of Alternative Economics and Contrarians (Maneco64 on YouTube)

“In the past few years, John Adams has emerged as the sole voice
from Australia calling out major problems in both the precious metals industry. In particular, John has been instrumental in educating the international precious metals community about counterparty risk and possible corrupt practices involving unallocated and pool allocated accounts. 

I have spent countless hours speaking with John about these issues and have come to admire and respect his knowledge, expertise and high character. He is a fearless warrior and a true patriot in the silver movement.”

David Morgan- Founder, The Morgan Report (USA)

“John Adams has led the fight against corruption in the gold and silver industry and he's a leading advocate for a return to sound money in Australia.”

Craig Hemke - TF Metals Report

“John Adams is a classic firebrand who tirelessly fights for what is right and for his fellow mates down under.”   

James Anderson- SD Bullion (USA)

“I have known John Adams for several years as a fellow commentator and well-known analyst in the precious metals space. We have worked together on several projects within the gold storage space. I have found John to be of high integrity and to uphold the value of transparency in all of our dealings. His work on the Australian cash ban was critically important to maintaining options for citizens in
Australia, and around the world, to use existing government currencies.
Cash is important for an everyday functioning society and removing it
causes all sorts of harm to local businesses that depend on cash for

Over the years, John Adams has worked tirelessly to educate the public on the workings of the financial system. He has also
been a positive force in educating people about the merits of owning
gold and silver as a hedge against inflation and economic calamity. I
would highly recommend John's research to anyone interested in learning more about how the financial system really operates.”

Rob Kientz- Founder, Gold Silver Pros (USA)

“The precious metals community has a lot of pundits and talking heads, but precious few men of action. John is one of those few, brave enough to go out on his own and risk everything to target some of the biggest monetary criminals in the world. He has exposed the Perth Mint for allegedly running a fractional reserve bullion scheme, basically shaming the Australian
Securities and Investment Commission into launching an investigation by exposing the regulator itself for failing to follow up on basically any claims of financial impropriety. 

If we want more people like John in the sound money community, then they have to be supported in their work. Buying your metals with John not only secures you outside the global Ponzi scheme that is the financial system. It encourages brave men to continue fighting back against the giants of corruption for the sake of sound money for all."

Rafi Farber- Founder, End Game Investor (Israel)